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100 Pieces and 1000 Pieces

1993, Guangzhou; Performance,

50 min, bank notes, bricks, ladder

In Lin Yilin' s 100 pieces and 1000 pieces the meaning resides in the action rather than in the final result of his labour. The artist once again uses gray bricks , a material widely present in old Guangzhou' s building (now being replaced by concrete ), but for the first time these don't recall any architectural impression. A metal ladder, 100 bricks and 100 banknotes of 10 Yuan each, plus a boxing-glove are the chosen materials. Wearing the glove, Lin Yilin climbs the ladder and places on its top one brick, then another, Inserting a banknote between them. Then he keeps on building a sort of precarious construction of bricks and money, completing first all the steps of the ladder, then posing them on the floor nearby. When all the bricks and money have been used up, he starts the "de-constructive" part of the action. He grabs a banknote and tears it causing the superposed brick to fall on the floor .Then he harshly beats the same brick on top of the money, until the brick has broken into pieces, and uses these

© lin yilin 2018

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